Sometimes, throughout your day you give yourself several task to be productive; while at the end of it, a feeling of achievement passes over you about how efficiently you did it.

Here are some convenient tips to trick your laziness to become a pro @ life:

1. Develop healthy sleep habits

First things first, duration of sleep both long and short are associated with productivity loss according to a study. Waking up late or too early flushes down your idea of a productive day. Use an alarm clock if you wish.

2. Change out of your PJs

Focus needs a conductive work environment along with mental consciousness which is only going to be attained when you are physically ready as well.

3. Prioritize tasks to be productive,h_2164,w_3845,x_0,y_259/v1554918405/shape/mentalfloss/94735-istock-863607936.jpg?itok=ZYfiTd6J

Making a to-do list may seem counterintuitive to most people but it is a mini step towards achieving work discipline. According to a study your likelihood to accomplish a task increases by 42% if you write it down.

4. Exercise

Trying even light exercises like yoga, jogging etc helps in counteracting lethargy, stress, anxiety as well as improving memory accuracy, preventing fatigue, raising energy levels and lightening up the mood which leads to efficiency in tasks.

5. Set deadlines for tasks

For a task that has no deadline, it will be fruitful if you place a deadline that would be vital in elevating your level of concentration and productivity while decreasing time consumption.

6. Say No to notifications

Audio Notes, non official text messages are commonplace distractors. Be wise and turn off such notifications if you don’t want to lag behind your tasks so they don’t affect your focus.

If you want to spend most of your days productively, always plan it out the night before or right when you wake up, planning your day will allow you to use your time wisely and focus on the task at hand.

Your days will feel calmer and you’ll be more effective as you go through your tasks because you will have taken the time to be deliberate with your schedule.

Overall, if you want to spend your day productive, you must have a will to get out of bed. Then only you can find out different ways to spend out your day joyously and productively.

Syeda Laiba Imran