jet lag

(Time zone change syndrome/desynchronosis): Wanderlusters may relate to this. It is a sleep problem when you travel along different time zones. Your body has an internal clock (Circadian rhythm) that controls sleeping and awakening. The problem arises when your internal clock is still suited to your actual time zone and you are in a different time zone thus you experience Jet lag.

Is it jet lag or a simple lack of sleep? - Los Angeles Times
Image source: Los Angeles Time

It is a temporary disorder that vanishes in a few days but if you are a frequent traveler you may experience it more and might need a doctor.

Interestingly, a traveler is more affected by traveling eastward than westward. Symptoms become severe as more time zones cross especially if you are older. Children show faster recovery.

Symptoms of jet lag:

It is characterized by

1) Headaches

2) Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) 

3) Upset stomach

4) Fatigue

5) Low concentration levels

6) Mood swings (like irritability)

Influence of sunlight

Properly timed exposure to sunlight will help sync your internal clock to the current time zone. Melatonin, a hormone whose release is triggered by lack of light makes you feel sleepy. During the daytime, this hormone is released very little. If access to sunlight is restricted, artificial light like light therapy lamps can help.

Sleep aids

If you struggle to sleep, then you can bring in use over-the-counter sleep aids. However, they can’t sync your circadian cycle and may mask jet lag. Some supplements increase melatonin levels that aid in sleeping. Consult a doctor about the use and timing of these medications. Melatonin tablets should be consumed during the day if you want to alter your circadian cycle to a later time. If you want to set your body clock to an earlier time then take it during local bedtime.

Side effects of melatonin:  Headaches, daytime dizziness, and loss of appetite.

Prevention is better than cure

Schedule: You can alter your sleep schedule some days before your trip. If your destination time is ahead of your local time such as traveling west then delay your bedtime and waking hours and the opposite for eastward travel.

Avoid caffeinated drinks/beverages (tea, coffee, etc) since they make sleeping difficult.

Get adequate sleep so that you don’t start your trip sleep-deprived.

Enjoy your trip!

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