How to make the most of your workouts? HIIT is one possible answer to add in your Health, Fitness & Nutrition regime. Lack of time is one common excuse for physical inactivity. However, HIIT offers a time-efficient regime for your fast-paced life with the same or more benefits than traditional workouts.

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. It is an umbrella term for the short duration of high-intensity exercises followed by a shorter period of recovery. 

Try doing one of the Chloe ting programs for instance;

What’s in it for me?

A typical HIIT workout is 10-30 minutes long. If you chose bicycling as a HIIT workout then you are going to ride as fast as you could and later on slow down your speed in the recovery phase. Then you can repeat the same thing again and again. 

Another plus point for Interval Training is that you aren’t required to do it every day. Experts suggest 20 minutes of exercise every day for 3 days per week.

These exercises are performed at a heart rate of 80% to 95% alternating with 50% during the recovery phase.

Major takeaways of HIIT

Calorie loss: During a study, individuals participated in 9 minutes Interval Training workout and steady state-run. Results showed that such workouts caused an average calorie burn of 3 kcal/minute compared to 2.8 kcal/min because of running. It shows HIIT is better than steady-state running.

Weight loss: It enhances weight loss by 28.5% by burning fat as compared to moderate exercises.

Helps build muscle:

These workouts includes like push-ups, squats, etc target different muscles and strengthen them. It also increases your endurance to work out.

Bottom line:

The intensity and time interval of HIIT workouts depends upon the type you choose. HIIT may be a good preference for people trying to maintain health in less time with the same health benefits. However, if your priority is to enjoy your exercise and not push yourself too hard then you can opt-out of this option.